David Tolpin, Solomon Eyal Shimony
Ben Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer Sheva, Israel

Rational Deployment of CSP Heuristics
IJCAI 2011

Constraint Satisfaction

A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is defined by:

Rational Metareasoning

The net VOI $V(S_j)$ of action $S_j$ is the intrinsic VOI $\Lambda_j$ less the cost of $S_j$: \[V(S_j)=\Lambda(S_j)-C(S_j)\]

The intrinsic VOI $\Lambda(S_j)$ is the expected difference between the intrinsic expected utilities of the new and the old selected base-level action, computed after the meta-level action is taken: \[\Lambda(S_j)=\mathbb{E}\left(\mathbb{E}(U(A_\alpha^j))-\mathbb{E}(U(A_\alpha))\right)\]




CSP benchmarks from CSP Solver Competition 2005 were used. 14 benchmarks were solved for $\gamma=0$  and the exponential range $\gamma \in \{10^{-7},$ $10^{-6},$ $...,$ $1\}$,  as well as with the minimum-conflicts heuristic and the pAC heuristic.

The maximum improvement is achieved when the solution count is estimated only in a small fraction of occasions selected using rational metareasoning.

Random instances

Based on the results on benchmarks, we chose $\gamma=10^{-3}$, and applied it to two sets of 100 problem instances. Exhaustive deployment, rational deployment, the minimum conflicts heuristic, and the pAC heuristic were compared.

The value of $\gamma$ chosen based on a small set of hard instances gave good results on a set of instances with different parameters and of varying hardness.

Generalized Sudoku


Case Study

Value Ordering

Value ordering heuristics provide information about:

The expected remaining search time in the subtree under $X_k$ for ordering $\omega$ is given by: \[T^{s|\omega}=T_{\omega(1)}+\sum_{i=2}^{|D_k|}T_{\omega(i)}\prod_{j=1}^{i-1}p_{\omega(j)}\]

Main Results

Rational Value Ordering

The intrinsic VOI $\Lambda_i$ of invoking the heuristic can be approximated as: \[\Lambda_i\approx \mathbb{E}\left[(T_1-T_i)|D_k|\,\Big|\; T_i < T_1 \right]\]

VOI of Solution Count Estimates

The net VOI $V$ of estimating a solution count can be approximated as: \[V \propto |D_k|e^{-\nu}\sum_{n=n_\mathrm{max}}^\infty \! \! \left( \frac 1 {n_\mathrm{max}} - \frac 1 n\right) \frac {\nu^n} {n!}-\gamma\] where the constant $\gamma$ depends on the search algorithm and the heuristic, rather than on the CSP instance, and can be learned offline. The infinite sum $\sum_{n=n_\mathrm{max}}^\infty \! \! \left( \frac 1 {n_\mathrm{max}} - \frac 1 n\right) \frac {\nu^n} {n!}$ is rapidly converging and can be computed efficiently.


Future Work
