My dissertation “Rational Metareasoning in Problem-Solving Search”.
October 8, 2013
July 24, 2012
May 30, 2011
Poster for IJCAI-2011
I am having the pleasure of preparing a poster for IJCAI 2011, for the first time in my life. Both the IJCAI and a poster. Fiddling with PowerPoint or Illustrator is painful. Beautiful slides can be prepared with S5 using HTML and CSS; a poster in HTML and CSS is also worth a try.
Here is my HTML and CSS conference poster. Topics zoom in and out when you click on them. A PDF version for printing is also two clicks away in a decent web browser (that is, Mozilla Firefox).
I am less fearful of preparing conference posters now.
April 5, 2011
Modern archaic digital typography
Modern scientific digital typography got stuck in a local maximum. LATEX — an archaic idiosyncratical tool — does everything wrong, even hyphenation and paragraph formatting. But this wrongdoing is so polished that cannot be improved. There will be no better LATEX until the ugly fashion for frozen fossils of scientific mind will pass away, and there will be no LATEX at all.
Hopefully soon.
C++ is so popular
C++ is a zero-paradigm (be as tasteless as you like) specification-oriented (perfect for implementing faulty designs) programming language. Corporations love to hire C++ programmers, those guys do everything for money. I want mutuality from my languages, I write programs only with tools I love.
And get paid well.
May 25, 2010
Keeping simple is a robust optimization
A good design is approximately optimal. When a reasonable probabilistic model is available, the design can be optimized in expectation: flight delays should be rare, e-mails should arrive within seconds, and buildings should protect from elements and provide comfort on most days of the year. But a single disaster can cause big trouble.
December 23, 2009
Pure strategy for swine flu vaccination
Everyone should be vaccinated against swine flu, and the government funds the vaccination campaign. Should everyone be vaccinated against (more…)